Thanks for checking! I'm mostly curious about where 十餘處 comes from, since it seems to predominate online -- even on CText and Wikisource, which are generally pretty good! It's in the Project Gutenberg version of the text (EBook #27292), which might explain how it became so widespread -- but I don't know what the source for that version was.
now i'd like to know where that comes from too! it's very odd, because 胡道静 didn't even mark these three words as an issue in his 校勘记 of the book - perhaps pretty consistent in the manuscripts?
Sources from inside the Grand Chancellery have confirmed to me they're 99% certain that this object was in fact a Great Liao surveillance pearl.
“仙? No, it’s not transcendents. It’s never transcendents.”
This rules ass.
👏 手动点赞
btw, 十餘年(for more than ten years) also in 万历三十年沈儆炌延津刊本梦溪笔谈全编
Thanks for checking! I'm mostly curious about where 十餘處 comes from, since it seems to predominate online -- even on CText and Wikisource, which are generally pretty good! It's in the Project Gutenberg version of the text (EBook #27292), which might explain how it became so widespread -- but I don't know what the source for that version was.
now i'd like to know where that comes from too! it's very odd, because 胡道静 didn't even mark these three words as an issue in his 校勘记 of the book - perhaps pretty consistent in the manuscripts?
I'm curious too -- checked scans of the <a href=">定四庫全書</a> and <a href="">四部叢刊續編</a> versions just now, but all of the print versions of the text I can find on a quick search have got 年. Maybe 處 was just a text entry error in the freely available Project Gutenberg version that ended up getting widely reproduced?
It really is.